Attribute | Description |
Age | Age is in year. |
Sex | Value (“0” = male, “1” = female). |
CP | Chest pain type (“1” = typical angina, “2” = atypical angina, “3” = non-angina pain, “4” = asymptomatic). |
Trestbps | Resting blood pressure in mm Hg. |
Chol | Serum cholesterol in mg/dl. |
Fbs | Indicator of whether fasting blood sugar was > 120 mg/dl (“1” = yes, ”0” = no). |
Restecg | Resting electrocardiographic results (“0” = normal, “1” = ST-T wave abnormality, “2” = probable or definite left ventricular hypertrophy). |
Thalach | Maximum heart rate achieved. |
Exang | Indicator of whether the angina is exercise induced (“1” = yes, “0” = no). |
Oldpeak | ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest. |
Slope | The slope of the peak exercise ST segment (“1” = up sloping, “2” = flat, “3” = down sloping). |
Ca | Number of major vessels colored by fluoroscopy. |
Thal | Summary of heart condition (“3” = normal, “6” = fixed defect, “7” = reversible defect). |
Num | “The Disease Diagnosis” field refers to the presence of heart disease in the patient. It is integer valued from 0 (no presence) to 4. Here the H0 is denoting no presences of heart disease and H1, H2, H3, and H4 are presenting the presence of heart disease. |