Group | Abbreviation | Metric | Unit | Observation | Formula |
Area | CA | Total (Class) area | Km2 | Sum the patches in all class areas or the fragments of native vegetation present in the area. |
Density and size | NUMP | Number of patches | Unit | Total number of patches in the vegetation class |
MPS | Mean patch size | Km2 | Sum of the total size of all patches divided by patch number |
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PSSD | Patch size standard deviation | Km2 | Distribution of variance of patch size |
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Edge | ED | Edge density | m・ha−1 | Quantity of length of edge (TE)relative to total area (CA) |
Shape | MSI | Mean shape index | adimensional | Measures the complexity of patch form. Is equal to 1 when all the patches are squares and increases with the growth of irregularity in the form of the patch |
Connectivity | MNN | Mean distance to nearest neighbor | meters | The mean nearest neighbor Euclidian distance between closest patches |
CONN | Connectivity | adimensional | Number of functional connections between all fragments over a determined distance, divided by the total number of possible connections between these fragments |
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Diversity index | SDI | Shannons diversity index | adimensional | Estimate of the relative abundance and variability of the different types of vegetation |