Question to ask the individual


Ÿ “Why have you come here today?”

PWH have many musculoskeletal problems, but may be compensating successfully for some of them. Just asking “What’s wrong?” is therefore not useful, as PWH may be seeking help for a specific muscle, joint, or functional issue.

Ÿ “What is your current hemophilia treatment regimen?”

Ÿ “Are you on a prophylactic regimen, and if so are you following that plan?”

Ÿ “When was your last dose?”

Ÿ “Do you self-infuse?”

The PT should be familiar with the person’s hemophilia treatment regimen

and the basic principles of clotting factor treatment. Asking about these details will also reassure them that their PT understands hemophilia, and will highlight any problems with adherence to clotting factor treatment.

Ÿ “Who is your contact person at the HTC or hemophilia care provider?”

This may help to build a trusted relationship with an individual with hemophilia, and will provide the PT with a source of information on hemophilia. This question also ensures that the treating PT has direct communication with the person’s treatment team, which is critical.

Ÿ “Do you have any other medical issues?”

Ÿ “Have you undergone surgery recently?”

As a result of previous medical treatment for hemophilia, some PWH may be co-infected with HIV or hepatitis C, which has consequences for their treatment (e.g. side effects from HIV medications, increased osteoporosis risk). This may be a sensitive topic for many people, so should be approached with care.