Einstein “Special Relativity” (ESR)

von Brzeski “Special Relativity” (BSR)

Lobachevskian Real 3-dim Space

S L ( 2 C ) / S U ( 2 ) Quotient of Lorentz Group

S L ( 2 C ) / S U ( 2 )

Quotient of Lorentz Group

Type of Lorentz Group Action on S L ( 2 C ) / S U ( 2 )

Single sided (left) x = g x

Double sided

x = g * x g

Type of Projection (Type of Map)

Gnomonic (central), non-conformal



Type of Coordinates

Projective Weierstrass

Projective rational

Resulting Model of Lobachevskian Geometry

Beltrami-Klein, non-conformal

Poincare, conformal

Relation between BSR and ESR

Isomorphic as models, Homotopic as maps

Isomorphic as models, Homotopic as maps