
Pre-service teacher science noticing characteristics

PSTs focus on

PSTs do not focus on


Students’ and teachers’ classroom behavior; gender specific participation; classroom norms and student participation patterns as frequency of student talk.

Science ideas or student ideas.


Students’ classroom behavior, classroom norms and participation patterns. Big science idea/s or overarching science concepts being discussed.

Teacher behavior and strategies


Students’ classroom participation, literal student responses. Big science idea/s or overarching science concepts being discussed.

Students’ and teachers’ classroom behavior, classroom norms


Big science idea/s or overarching science concepts being discussed; critiquing a student idea as “correct” or “incorrect”.

The essence of student thinking


Attending to student ideas by aligning student ideas with disciplinary knowledge or their content knowledge.

Behavior patterns; classroom norms; categorizing student responses as correct or incorrect


Making sense of student thinking and then evaluating their thinking for its ability and appropriateness to contribute to scientific sense making in the given context of science discussion.

Alignment of student response with scientific know how; critiquing student ideas as “correct” or “incorrect”