Teacher Noticing Themes


Examples of PST responses

A. Student behavior and classroom management

PST response includes student/s classroom behavior (how students talk and behave) and/or classroom setting as whole group settings, small group settings.

1. Whole class discussion; students talking.

2. Students talking over each other, no classroom expectations around sharing.

B. Teacher facilitation and attitude

a. PST response includes teacher moves or teacher facilitation. The response may or may not critique the teacher move as good/bad.

1. Teacher promotes student agency in talk.

2. The teacher is good at controlling students during group discussions.

b. PST response includes a suggestion for potential teacher moves.

1. Teacher should make them listen to each other respectfully.

c. PST response includes a comment on nature of teacher attitude.

1. Teacher is laid back.

2. Teacher seems relaxed.

C. Gender dynamics

PST response includes a description of the observed gender based participation in the classroom and/or makes a suggestion for the same.

1. Boys are talking more and the girls don’t seem interested.

2. Girls should be encouraged to participate.

D. Student ideas

a. PST response includes a direct quote where the student expresses her/his science ideas OR the corresponding line numbers from transcript.

Line 23, student is talking about her ideas.

b. PST response includes a rephrased version of the student science ideas.

Student uses the analogy of penguins sticking to each other to explain the state of ice molecules.

E. Critique of student ideas without reasoning

a. PST response includes a critique of a student idea as complete/incomplete or correct/incorrect however without any reasoning for the critique or any elaboration on student ideas.

1. Student A expresses his ideas but they are incorrect.

2. Student B has correct science ideas about water cycle.

b. PST response includes a comment on nature of students’ participation (frequency of their participation or quality of their language used).

1. Student B shares lot of ideas.

2. Student A uses good terminology.

F. Make sense of student ideas

a. PST response includes an attempt to describe the student ideas about a topic.

Student is describing the motion of the top. She is trying to use science terms as “force” to describe the motion.

b. PST response includes an attempt to describe the student ideas about a topic and further critiques it as correct/incorrect or complete/incomplete.

Student A is trying to explain the motion of a top by comparing it to an old man. He is able to use the analogy to correctly describe the observed motion of the top.

G. Overarching science topic or science discipline

a. PST response mentions the overarching or central science idea.

The class is discussing water cycle.

b. PST response only mentions a specific discipline or a science word.

1. Physics, science, math

2. Students used the physics words like force, friction, etc.