Graduate learning online pedagogical practices



Primary outcome measures

Weekly online teacher-student discussions evoked learning flow and collaboration

Student motivation

Students needed to be meta-cognitively capable, skillful and motivated in order to use online tools.

Student engagement

Conduct pre and post learning quality assessment to discover: pre-test―Demographics, computer experience, distance education experience, preferred method of learning. Post-test―student satisfaction, grades and gain scores.

Student engagement

Consistent communication, structure and timelines yielded better satisfaction.

Student satisfaction

Distance education students were more satisfied than their conventional counter-parts. The interaction of program access, distance or conventional campus-based education, yielded higher satisfaction of distance education students.

Student satisfaction

Continuous learner-instructor interaction

Student satisfaction

Interaction between students and instructors had the greatest perceptual impact on the students. When students got delayed feedback from instructors it generated student perceptions of dissatisfaction and isolation. The best pedagogical practice from this study would be for instructors to post all of the assignments at once instead of staggering the assignments, allowing student to plan ahead

Student satisfaction and motivation

Student interaction with the instructor, quality of the course materials, improved evaluation methods, delivery methods and disciplines all contributed to a student’s satisfaction and success in the online distance education environment.

Increased student retention and student satisfaction

Frequent interaction graduate students had with online course management

Higher student performance

The task value in the students’ personal and professional goals, along with relevance of instruction and academic self-efficacy, interacted with both positive and negative emotions, ranging from hope to anxiety, respectively.

Role of student emotions in graduate online environment

Initial student orientation, readiness identification, technical support (24 hours a day) and personal contact with professors, other students, and university support personnel.

Differences in retention, social presence, cognitive presence, and teaching presence in fully online and blended courses.

Instructors can strengthen learning effectiveness by “giving students more support, enhancing social skills, and improving the quality of instruction through better communication

Student’s perception of learning effectiveness

The only strategy that has the potential to significantly improve student grades, satisfaction and/or persistence in online courses may be the use of allusions to the group or classroom.

Social presence of online faculty

Degree of support and learned teaching practices that can be later implied by graduate teacher candidates in an online environment

Future teacher professional development

Online asynchronous discussions encourage reflection by learners.

Online teacher/professional development

Adequate socialization and technical support of students, particularly for first-year, graduate students in online setting.

Technical support/training in computer skill in online setting

Cognitive learning outcomes were not significantly different for online students from face-to-face students. The interaction or communication compromising the student/teacher relationship is the mechanism for student learning.

Impact of technology on communication and student learning in face-to-face and online courses