Category | The items | Total | % |
1- The behavior of PE-ST TOTAL: 221 20.18% | Assiduity absence and lateness | 47 | 21.26 |
presentation | 23 | 10.40 | |
Discipline, serious | 7 | 3.16 | |
Concentration | 26 | 11.76 | |
Relationship | 118 | 53.39 | |
| 221 | 20.18 | |
2- Documents and materials TOTAL: 195 17.8% | Preparation of the class journal | 148 | 75.89 |
The workbook of the note | 10 | 5.12 | |
The notebook of feedback | 13 | 6.66 | |
Tool Kit of PE-ST | 24 | 12.3 | |
| 195 | 17.8 | |
3- The organization TOTAL: 326 29.77% | Management of resources | 89 | 27.3 |
Spatial planning | 34 | 10.42 | |
Control of students | 124 | 38.03 | |
Time Management | 39 | 11.96 | |
Participation of students | 40 | 12.26 | |
| 326 | 29.77 | |
4- The administrative tasks TOTAL: 99 9.04% | Checking presence | 89 | 89.89 |
Exclusion of the students | 6 | 6.06 | |
Filling the accident report | 4 | 4.04 | |
| 99 | 9.04 | |
5- The interventions of PE-ST TOTAL: 119 10.86% | Regulation of student activity | 60 | 50.42 |
communication skills | 16 | 13.44 | |
Student motivation | 21 | 17.64 | |
Safety and health of students | 13 | 10.92 | |
Student assessment | 9 | 7.56 | |
| 119 | 10.86 | |
6- The content taught TOTAL: 135 12.32% | Choice of learning situations | 89 | 65.92 |
Application of the aims of the EPS | 1 | 0.74 | |
Application of official programs | 7 | 5.18 | |
Conception of the theory lessons | 23 | 17.03 | |
Appropriations by students | 15 | 11.11 | |
| 135 | 12.32 | |
Total: 1095 |