

NCMP 1-Mean T emperature anomaly

This is the mean temperature anomaly for the month, season or year averaged across the country. It measure the overall warmth or cold relative to the normal conditions.

NCMP 2-Total rainfall anomaly

This is the rainfall anomaly expressed both as a simple difference (anomaly) from the base-period average and as a percentage of the base-period average. It is the anomaly for the month, season or year averaged across the country.

NCMP 3-Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)

This is a percentile-based measure of the standardized rainfall anomaly for the month, season or year averaged across the country. It is used to monitor rainfall and drought and it is calculated using rainfall.

NCMP 4: Warm days

This is the warm days index. It is a measure of the country-average percentage of days that exceeded the 90th percentile of the base period distribution for maximum temperatures. The number of warm days is a standard index produced by the RCLIMDEX software (created by the Expert Team on Climate Change and Detection Indices) index.

NCMP 5: Cold nights

It is the cold nights index. It measures the country-average percentage of days that fell below the 10th percentile of the base period distribution. The number of cold days is a standard ETCCDI (Expert Team on Climate Change and Detection Indices) index and is widely used.

NCMP 6: Temperature and Precipitation Station Records

It is a number of stations that reported a record daily maximum temperature, minimum temperature and precipitation.