Rating Agencies

Index system

Weight setting

Rating Agencies

360 Big Data Research Institute and Renmin University of China

Background Strength (30%), Platform Risk Control (25%), Operational Capacity (20%), Information Disclosure (15%), User Experience (10%)

The detailed weight is shown at left

360 Big Data Research Institute and Renmin University of China

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Finance and Jinniu Financial Network

Basic indicators, operational capacity, risk control, social responsibility, information disclosure

Analytic Hierarchy Process (rating using the percentage system, 90 points or more is AAA, 80 points to 90 points is AA, 60 points to 80 points is A.)

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Finance and Jinniu Financial Network

Net Loan Home

Trading volume (10%), revenue (10%), popularity (18%), income (6%), leverage (6%), liquidity (5%), dispersion (16%), transparency (11%), Brand (18%)

Analytic Hierarchy Process

Net Loan Home

Tiger Financial and Palm Tree Planning

Background strength, management team, wind control capability, partners guarantee strength, IT system support, customer experience, Operational capacity, major issues

Through field research, subjective rating.

Tiger Financial and Palm Tree Planning