Data Set

Conduit # 1

Conduit # 2

Dates of observations

16th to 21st May 2020

22nd to 28th May 2020

Cloud conditions (at second hour after sunrise)

Most of the days the sky is cloud free with minor presence of cirrus cloud

Most of the days the sky is cloud free with minor presence of cirrostratus cloud

Vegetation status

Most of the area in the conduit contains agriculture land favouring fresh vegetation with sparse settlements

Most of the area in the conduit contains agriculture land favouring fresh vegetation with sparse settlements

Mean air temperature (approximately at two hours from sunrise)



Mean wind speed at surface (after two hours from sunrise) (kmph)



Mean wind speed at 850 hPa pressure level (after two hours from sunrise) (kmph)



Mean wind direction (day) @ 850 hPa pressure level

1250 (winds oriented towards Southeastern direction)

950 (winds oriented towards Eastern direction)

Mean ratio of Wind speed at Surface and 850 hPa pressure level (two hours from sunrise)

