A. Dependent variables

N C S K E W i , t + 1

NCSKEW is the negative coefficient of skewness. See Equation (2) for detail

D U V O L i , t + 1

DUVOL is the down-to-up volatility. See Equation (3) for detail

B. Independent variables

C o v e r a g e i , t

Number of analysts who issued earnings for cast for a firm in fiscal year

S t a r i , t

Number of star analysts for firm i in year t. If an analyst is selected by New Fortune magazine as the best analyst in year t − 1, he or she is considered as a star analyst in year t.

n o n S t a r i , t

Number of non-star analysts for firm i in year t. It is the difference between Coverage and Star

R a t i o i , t

The ratio between Star and Coverage

C. Control variables

N C S K E W i , t

The lagged value of NCSKEW

R E T i , t

RET is the mean of firm-specific weekly returns in year t

S I G M A i , t

SIGMA is the standard deviation of firm-specific returns in year t

L E V i , t

LEV is the book value of all liabilities scaled by the book value of assets.

M B i , t

MB is the market-to-book ratio

S I Z E i , t

SIZE is the log of firm’s total assets

D T U R N i , t

DTURN is the average monthly share turnover for t year minus the average monthly share turnover for t − 1 year.

R O A i , t

ROA is income divided by total assets

I n s h o l d i , t

Inshold is the shareholding of institution investor

T o p 10 i , t

Top10 is the shareholding of top10 shareholder

O p a q u e i , t

Opaque represent the information opaque in year t. Firstly, estimate the discretionary accurals, denote DA, using modified Jones model (Dechow et al. 1995) [32] . Then use Equation (12) to estimate Opaque.

O p a q u e i , t = a b s ( D A i , t ) + a b s ( D A i , t 1 ) + a b s ( D A i , t 2 ) 3 (12)

e x p _ c o v i , t

Expected analyst coverage if firm i in year t. See Equation (8) and Equation (9) for detail

e x p _ s t a r i , t

Expected star analyst coverage if firm i in year t. See Equation (10) and Equation (11) for detail

e x p _ n o n s t a r i , t

Expected non-star analyst coverage if firm i in year t. See Equation (10) and Equation (11) for detail