Criteria | Response options | Quality issue |
The aims of research is sufficiently explained | Yes = 1/No = 0 | Rigor: to ensure the quality of the research methodology and the data collections and analysis |
The research method is clearly reported | Yes = 1/No = 0 | Rigor: to ensure the quality of the research methodology and the data collections and analysis |
The data identification and collection is described | Yes = 1/No = 0 | Rigor: to ensure the quality of the research methodology and the data collections and analysis |
The method used to analyze data is clearly explained | Yes = 1/No = 0 | Rigor: to ensure the quality of the research methodology and the data collections and analysis |
The findings are clearly stated and provided with credible results and justified conclusions | Yes = 1/No = 0 | Credibility: to ensure that the findings are valid and meaningful |
The findings provided a valuable contributions to the research question | Yes = 1/No = 0 | Relevance: to ensure the relevance of the study for the relationships between IT and Supply chain performance |