
Reason for exclusion

Cooke et al., 2010.

Study did not address physical conditioning

Chen MD, Rimmer JH, 2011.

Study did not address physical conditioning

Wendel-Vos et al., 2004.

Study excluded aerobic exercise and address leisure activities

Lopopolo et al., 2006.

Study did not address physical conditioning

Kwakkel et al., 2004.

Study did not address physical conditioning

French et al., 2010.

Study did not address physical conditioning

Harris JE, Eng JJ, 2010.

Study did not address physical conditioning

Verbeek et al., 2011.

Study did not address physical conditioning

Reimers et al., 2009.

Study did not specify physical activities, includes more than aerobic exercise

Wevers et al., 2009.

Study did not address physical conditioning

van de Port et al., 2007.

Outcome was gait

States et al., 2009.

Outcome was gait

McGeough et al., 2009.

Study addressed fatigue and drug treatment

English C, Hillier SL, 2010.

Study did not address physical conditioning

States et al., 2009.

Study addressed gait training

Moseley et al., 2005.

Study addressed gait training

An M, Shaughnessy M, 2011.

Study did not address physical conditioning

Ovando et al., 2010.

Study did not follow the criteria inclusion and it is in Portuguese

Chong et al., 2003.

Study approached several types of physical activity, including leisure activities