● The case definition of AHF included any person of any age admitted to the health service with a history of acute fever (>37.8˚C) and acute bleeding manifestations.

● Considered bleeding, the existence of visible active bleeding. Cases of bleeding based merely on thrombocytopenia were not included.

● Hospitalization: were considered regardless of the period, even if it was for only a few minutes of observation.

● Confirmed cases: all those hospitalized with fever and acute hemorrhage associated with laboratory confirmation of dengue virus were considered.

● Suspected cases: all those hospitalized with fever and acute hemorrhage with negative laboratory confirmation for dengue, and/or those not submitted to any laboratory investigation for dengue, were considered.

● Hemoconcentration: considered values starting at 50% for men, 44% for women and 38% for children.

● Leukopenia: considered to be values below 3500 total leukocyte cells.

● Thrombocytopenia: considered values below 150 thousand platelets.

● Severe: considered cases with clinical instability.

● Non-severe: considered are the cases without clinical instability.