
Means of getting employed



After travelling by bus, her mother’s younger sister in the city connected her to employers with whom she worked in the past

Female and husband (Indian business dealers)


Her sister, who worked in the city and sent her travel money, linked her with employer

Asian female retailer


Broker, who lived in her home village, directed her to the agency in the city where employer recruited her

A woman working as shop keeper


Her friend, working as a barmaid in the city, lent her money for travel and guided her to the agency in the city where she got employed.

Asian businessman (working as hotel owner)


After travelling with her uncle who worked as a security guard in the city, her uncle linked her with employer.

A woman working in a super market


Broker guided her to the agency that dealt with domestic work where employer recruited her

Vegetable & fruit vending woman


Broker, who lived in her village, gave her transport money and guided her to the Agency in the city where employer spotted her.

A woman with unknown status of employment


Her uncle gave her money which she spent as travel fare to her employer (village neighbour) in the city.

Female government employee


Elder sister’s friend who worked as barmaid in the city assisted her travel money and employed her.

Informal business woman


Got connected with employer by broker who resided in her village. The broker gave her transport money after agreement with parents.

Female government employee


Travelled through help from parents following her aunt’s promise to find her a job after failing to pursue secondary education.

Aunt (Informal business woman)


Assisted by a bus conductor to travel from her village to employer’s home.

Male employer (bus conductor)


Through agreement between her parents and a village neighbour who worked in the city.

Informal business woman


Travelled along with her brother in-law who worked in the city who then linked her with employer

Informal business woman


Got connected to employer by a villager-brother of her employer.

Female government employee


Travelled along with a village neighbour who worked in the city and who later assisted her to get employed.

Business woman, seller of furniture


Assisted by a bus conductor to travel from home village to employer.

Food vending woman


Her employer (from same village) sent her transport money.

Informal business woman


Received transport money from broker in her village home following agreement between broker and parents.

Informal business woman


Travelled by bus to the city after getting transport money from employer through broker who resided in her village.

A woman with unknown employment status


Assisted by bus conductor to travel from the village she lived to employer in the city.

A woman (seller of second hand clothes)


Travelled from the village along with friend petty trader who then connected her to employer.

A woman, seller of soft drinks in the city


Received transport money from broker who lived at her village after agreement between the broker and guardians.

A woman working as a shop keeper


Got connected to employer by village neighbour (young sister of employer).

Female government employee


Assisted by bus conductor to travel from home village to employer.

A woman working as bar maid


Escaped from home and travelled through bus conductor who connected her to employer.

A woman working as barmaid