



Network Latency and Synchronized Communication

Microservices communication over a network can introduce latency, impacting performance, especially in synchronous communication.

Slower response times, potential service bottlenecks.

Adopt asynchronous communication patterns, use message queues, or implement event-driven architectures to reduce the impact of network latency.

Data Consistency across Services

Maintaining data consistency across multiple Microservices becomes complex, especially when updates involve multiple services.

Inconsistencies in data, errors, and lack of integrity.

Implement compensating transactions use the Saga pattern for coordinated local transactions through messaging to manage data consistency.

Consistent Data View across Multiple Databases

Achieving a globally consistent data view is challenging as each Microservices typically has its own database.

Challenges in maintaining synchronized data across the entire system.

Design services with eventual consistency in mind consider patterns like CQRS for managing consistent data views.

“God Classes” as an Obstacle to Decomposition

Legacy monolithic applications often contain oversized classes, hindering the decomposition into small, independent Microservices.

Difficulty in breaking down large, complex classes for modularization.

Adopt Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles, treat each service as an autonomous sub-domain, and use unique domain models to break down “God Classes”.