Challenge | Description | Impact | Mitigation |
Network Latency and Synchronized Communication | Microservices communication over a network can introduce latency, impacting performance, especially in synchronous communication. | Slower response times, potential service bottlenecks. | Adopt asynchronous communication patterns, use message queues, or implement event-driven architectures to reduce the impact of network latency. |
Data Consistency across Services | Maintaining data consistency across multiple Microservices becomes complex, especially when updates involve multiple services. | Inconsistencies in data, errors, and lack of integrity. | Implement compensating transactions use the Saga pattern for coordinated local transactions through messaging to manage data consistency. |
Consistent Data View across Multiple Databases | Achieving a globally consistent data view is challenging as each Microservices typically has its own database. | Challenges in maintaining synchronized data across the entire system. | Design services with eventual consistency in mind consider patterns like CQRS for managing consistent data views. |
“God Classes” as an Obstacle to Decomposition | Legacy monolithic applications often contain oversized classes, hindering the decomposition into small, independent Microservices. | Difficulty in breaking down large, complex classes for modularization. | Adopt Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles, treat each service as an autonomous sub-domain, and use unique domain models to break down “God Classes”. |