Theme | Countries | Sample Findings | References |
Improved student learning | UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait | Metacognitive and cognitive strategies were frequently applied in EFL learning. | |
Improves EFL performance | Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Oman | CQ types like emotional, behavioral, and cognitive influence learning style preferences, which impact students’ performance in EFL courses across the Arabian Gulf region | |
CQ impacts students’ reading. | UAE | Classroom practices and cultural environment impact the reading achievement of students. | |
CQ awareness improves learning. | Oman | Intercultural awareness generated new and transformative approaches to English learning, reducing conflict and creating hegemony. | |
CQ impacts the English proficiency. | Iraq | Iraq EFL students have high cognitive and behavioral CQ, with a direct relationship between CQ and language proficiency. | |
EFLs have a higher CQ than ESL learners | Iran | EFL students had higher metacognitive, cognitive, motivational, and behavioral CQ than medical students. | |
Students have different CQ levels. | Türkiye | Students have higher motivational & metacognitive CQs than cognitive & behavioral CQs. | |
Learners have high CQs. | Türkiye | Students have high metacognitive, motivational, and behavioral CQ but moderate cognitive CQ. | |
Improves adoption of social changes | Saudi Arabia | Cultural intelligence in English language teaching is important for adapting to social changes in universities. | |
CQ influences content and curriculum design. | UAE | CQ, such as motivational, cognitive, and metacognitive aspects similar to commercial publishers, influenced teachers’ perception of English language teaching. | |
CQ increases teachers’ efficacy in teaching. | Qatar | Exposure to CQ correlates with improved teacher competency in English language teaching, comprehension, and accents | |
CQ effects language learning. | Iraq | Ideological complexities and cultural complications negatively impact students’ acquisition of applied English linguistics. | |
Curricular includes CQ | UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Saudi, Qatar | The cognitive dimension is the most widely used CQ in educational institutions for EFL and social learning, teaching, and assessment. | |