

Corporate Social Responsibility and Customer Satisfaction

Phillips et al., (2019); Frederick (1983); Luo & Bhattacharya (2006); Sen & Bhattacharya (2001); Hassan et al., (2013); Angelia & Suryaningsih (2015); Islam et al., (2021); Latif et al., (2020); Ali et al., (2021) .

Corporate Social Responsibility and

Corporate Image

Suki et al., (2016); Chung et al., (2015); Yusof et al., (2015); Weber (2008); Arıkan & Güner (2013); Ali (2018); Del-Castillo-Feito et al., (2019) .

Corporate Social Responsibility and Customer Loyalty

Bhatti et al., (2018); Singh & Misra (2021); Lee et al., (2019); Yoo et al., (2015); Nyadzayo & Khajehzadeh (2016); Rychalski & Hudson (2017); Muflih (2021); Bukhari et al., (2020) .

Corporate Social Responsibility and

Market Value Performance

Jackson & Hua (2009); Luo & Bhattacharya (2006); Mittal & Sandhu (2018); Oyewumi et al., (2018); Yu et al., (2020); Que et al., (2019); Mitra (2021); Yazid (2020) .