Measure item

Product development and manufacturing capabilities

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively help us collect market intelligence

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively help us understand customer preferences

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively help us to convert market information into product concepts

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively help us to introduce production lines

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively help us transform production equipment

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can help us to optimize production process and reduce production cost

Applied generic skills

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively help us to coordinate and integrate upstream and downstream enterprise technology and product development

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively help us to build supply chain or industrial chain alliance

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively help us to collect market oriented basic technical information

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively help us to carry out the add-on development of basic technology

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively help us to refine the basic theory and the method for promotion

Basic generic technology capability

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively cooperate with us in basic research

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively carry out exploratory projects with us

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively help us to explore new scientific principles

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively help us to develop innovative research and research fields

Cooperative university/Scientific research institutions can effectively help us to introduce high-level talents