Sample Point



The Major Parent rocks are hornblende pyroxene granulites and gneiss.

A mountainous area with a convex Slope of 49%.

Stones occupies 10% and the major Erosion types are Inter-rill/sheet/gully/landslide;

The area is Well drained.


The soil of an area is yellowish brown deep. The soil profile is well divided into three distinct horizons.

Steep slope makes erosion a dominant process on the area and less deposition effects

Sandy clay texture is the main texture.


The major composition of the soil is Banded muscovite biotite sediments and superficial sands.

Isolated hills make up the dominant landform of an area.

80% slope accounts for the shallow with only two horizons on the soil profile.

The soil well drained and slightly weathered rocks.


An area is characterised with a very gentle slope making the soil deeper and poorly drained.

Parent rock is dark yellowish brown colluvium.


Biotite gneiss-pyroxinegranulites rock makes up a parent rock.

Most dominant landforms are mountainous 55% slope accounts for landslides and erosion activities.


Colluvium rock makes up a parent rock.

Landforms are mountainous with slope 65% making an area prone to erosion and rock outcrops.

Soil profile is dominated by the sandy clay loam texture


The major landform is Colluvium and the soil is located in mountainous areas.

21% slope accounts for the erosion activities in an area.

Cultivation activities by human is the main cause of the increased soil depth for this dark greyish brown soil


A colluvium made lower slope soil feature.

9% slope accounts for the less erosion soil, moderate drainage and a well deep soil.


A mountainous landform with mud clay colluvium over pyroxene granulites parent rock.

A complex middle slope of 32% accounts for the severe erosion and well drainage system.


Soil made of a mud clays colluvium over pyroxene granulites parent rock.

A middle slope of 32% accounts for the well drainage system and inter-rill, rill, gully erosion activities on the topsoil.

A variant of colour particles ranging from red to dark red and dark brown.


Soil particles originated from colluvium mainly mud clays derived from hornblende pyroxene granulites and micaceous gneisses.

Hilly landforms with an upper middle slope class 15%.

The soil is very deep and a well-drained

A surface characteristic of a rock outcrop.


Landforms classified as Strongly dissected ridge crests and slopes.

Soil particles made of Horblende pyroxene granulites with some banded pyroxene granulites.

Erosion dominated surface activities.

Deep soil ranging from strong brown to dark brown soil.


A dominant landform classified as alluvial fan.

Soil particles made of Colluvium derived from horblende pyroxene granulites.

The soil is well drained very deep and a slight convex slope of 10%.

Yellowish red to deep red soil clays soil dominate an area.


Soil made of sediments from Banded muscovite biotite and superficial sands

The dominant landform is alluvial fan with a lower convex slope of 6%.

A soil is reddish brown very deep and a well-drained


A low slope (3%) area characterized with nearly flat crest on a peneplain landforms.

A deep soil with deposition activities due to low slope with colluvial deposits.

The area is excessively drained with pale brown to yellow sand deposits on the topsoil.


A moderately shallow soils with slight sheet erosion and cullovial deposits

Gneiss constituents the mother rock, almost flat crest on a peneplain landforms on the middle slope (1%)

Brown sandy clay loam texture topsoils.


A middle slope area with flood plain as the dominant landform.

Soil particles originating from mixture of alluvial and coluvial deposits.

It is a dark brown imperfectly drained and a very deep soil.


A flat terrain surface with a middle slope of 0.5% accounting for the deposition activities.

Alluvio-coluvium is the parent rock in form of Alluvio-coluvial deposits.

The soil is well stratified, deep and imperfectly drained

Brown clay soil deposits dominates