Grantees’/Recipients’ Evaluation of FINI

Improved Purchase/Access of Plant Foods: Most grantees reported their consumers as happier [3] ; SNAP/FINI recipients’

perceived improved benefits of accessed foods [3] [11] [33]

Changed Healthy Behaviors: Increased desire for plant food purchases and willingness to try new plant foods [3] [8] [27] [30]

Challenges of FINI: Limited commercial expansion and marketing beyond farmers’ markets to reduce disparities [8] [10] [11] ; inadequate FINI staff and application process; meeting FINI funding-match requirements; customers needed to return an earned incentive for a future purchase; and grantees lacked the performance of FINI consumer needs assessments to improve outcomes [3] , and various State-level policies, creating challenging FINI outcomes analysis

FINI Analysis

Benefits: Compared to non-government incentives, FINI improved health behaviors only for the low-income

Barriers: Requires very low-income, recipient disparities, various state-level policies, limited public exposure

Recommendations: Increase public exposure, conduct population needs assessments, apply incentives to all income levels, form more partnerships with private sector businesses, and create live seminars to improve FINI exposure and education