Variable | Nature | Modality |
Region | Nominal | Center-East Center-North North South West |
District | Nominal | Tenkodogo Ouargaye kayak Kongoussi Ouahigouya Gourcy Built Diebougou |
Town | Nominal | Name of the 1172 villages |
Health center | Nominal | Name of the 198 health centers |
Last name, First Name | Nominal | Indigent family name First name of the needy |
Sex | Nominal | Male Feminine |
Age | keep on going | 0 to n |
Status in the household | Nominal | head of household household member |
Religion | Nominal | Muslim Catholic Protestant animist/traditional No |
marital status | Nominal | Married Not married Divorce Widowed _ |
Educational level | Ordinal | uneducated Primary Secondary Superior |
Primary activity | Nominal | Work Does not work |
GPS coordinates | keep on going | Longitude: 0 to n Latitude: 0 to n |
Use of services | Nominal | Yes (use) No (do not use) |