Argentina | |
“Plan Nacer” (Birth Plan) [45] | Public health insurance for pregnant women, infants and children up to 6 years old without other health coverage. Launched in 2005, in June 2012 reached 1,896,522 women and children. |
“Plan Sumar” (Add up Plan) [46] | Plan Sumar Program was rolled out on 2012 and builds on 7 years of results-based financing experience from a maternal and child health initiative, Plan Nacer. It includes children, adolescents and women up to 64 years old without other health coverage. |
“Asignación Universal por Hijo/Embarazo” (Monetary Universal subsides per child/pregnancy) [47] | Monetary subsidies: all families with children and adolescent under 18 years old receive a money transfer equivalent to 60 USD$/child. This payment is for workers whose salary is under the minimum, for informal workers or unemployed. The conditions for receiving it are children vaccination, regular health controls and school assistance from 5 years old. Nowadays 3,500,000 children are covered. Pregnant women also receive a monetary subsidy during pregnancy. |
“Programa Materno Infantil” (Maternal-infant national pro- gram) [48] | Maternal-infant national program started in 1994 with provincial and municipal delegations which includes normatives in maternal-nutrition health and distribution of whole powdered milk fortified with iron, zinc and vitamin C. |
Brazil | |
“Programa Nacional de Suplementação de Ferro― PNSF” (National Iron supplementation program) [49] | Promotes iron flour fortification and iron supplementation in children 6 - 18 months old. |
“Programa Bolsa Família” (Family Monetary subsides Program) [41] | Itis a conditional cash transfer program that provides financial aid to poor Brazilian families in order for their children to have access to school, vaccination and other services and fight poverty in the long term. |
“Programa Nacional de Suplementação de Vitamina A” (Na- tional Vitamin A supplementation program) [50] | Promotes vitamin supplementation in children 6 - 11 months old. |
“Rede Cegonha (Stork Network)” [51] . | It promotes a new model of birth attendance, birth and child health. Aims to reduce infant mortality. It is a national program led by the Ministry of health. |
“Brasileirinhas e Brasileirinhos Saudáveis: Primeiros Passos para o Desenvolvimento Nacional” (Healthy Brazilians)” [52] | To Ensure all Brazilians quality of life from its beginnings, stimulating their physical emotional, cognitive and social skills and abilities. Strengthen joint efforts across the country to articulation, interaction and implementation of actions aimed at the health of women and children up to six years, stage of life known in Brazil as “Early Childhood” |
Chile [53] | |
“Programa Materno Infantil” (Maternal infant program) | The maternal-infant program began in 1936. The National Supplementary Feeding Program providing artificial milk also began that year. The latter two programs have reached universal coverage. |
“Bono Control de Niño Sano” (Monetary subsidies for health children) | Monetary subsidies for healthy children: all families with children under 6 years old receive a money transfer equivalent to 16 US$/child/month since 1953. This payment is for workers whose salary is under the minimum, for informal workers or unemployed. The conditions for receiving it are children vaccination, assistance to regular health controls and school assistance from 5 years old. |
“Bono Porhijo” (Monetary subsidies by son) | Monetary subsidies by son: it is a benefit that increases the amount of the pension of women through the delivery of a bond for each live birth or adopted, it is not paid at the time of birth of the child, but rather with his pension. The bond, which is set and begins to generate revenue from the date of birth of the child and is 10% of 18 minimum monthly wages (set for workers aged 18 and 65 years old). |
“Asignación prenatal” (Prenatal monetary subsidies) | Prenatal monetary subsidies: pregnant women receive a monetary allowance since 1981 provided that they assist to health controls from the 5th month of pregnancy. |