Value | Description |
| Binary variable denoting win or loss for team j in game i |
| Number of wins for team j |
Lossesj | Number of losses for team j |
pctj | Winning percentage for team j |
WSLIj | Length of the Ith winning streak for team j |
WSCj | Number of winning streaks for team j |
MaxWj | Maximum winning Streak for team j |
LSLJj | Length of the Jth winning streak for team j |
LSCj | Number of losing streaks for team j |
MaxLj | Maximum losing streak for team j |
| Average winning streak length for team j |
| Average losing streak length for team j |
sWj | Standard deviation of winning streak length for team j |
sLj | Standard deviation of losing streak length for team j |
Gapj | Gap measure for team j |