
Egypt (N = 490)

Turkey (N = 420)

Kuwait (N = 300)

Syrians (N = 179)

UK (N = 177)


Age ranged from 14 to75, Mean = 26.03, SD = 10.90, 20.4% adolescents.

Age ranged between 15 and 64 (M = 23.20, SD = 8.68) from which 18.9% were adolescents

age ranged from 15 - 50 (M = 26.37, SD = 8.50), from which 18.7% were adolescents

Age ranges between 19 and 54 (M = 28.7, SD = 6.16)

Age ranged between 18 and 40, M = 25.89, and SD = 5.66


41.4 males

72.4% males.

39% males

62.6% males

60.7% females


49.6% Muslims and 50.4%

94.3% were Muslims and the balance was from other religious affiliations

99.7% Muslims, .3% Christians

90.5% were Muslims, .6% Ismaili Muslim, 2.2% Christians, 2.2% atheists, .6% agonists, 2.2% identified with no religion, and .6% identified themselves as humanists

24.2% were Christians, .6% were Jewish, 4.5% other religions, and 70.8% with no religious affiliation


7.9% elementary level, 1.8% middle school level, 27.3% high school level, 51.8% college level, and 11% graduate studies level

5.9% elementary, 2.9%middle school, 17.5% high school, 71.7% college, and 1.9% graduate level

4.7% elementary school, 20.6% high school, 72.7% college, and 2% graduate students

.6% was elementary school, .6% middle school, 8.4% high school, 74.9% had an undergraduate degree, and 15.6% have a graduate degree

21.3% had a high school, 57.3% had an undergraduate degree, and 21.3% had a postgraduate degree

Marital Status

28.6% married, 68.8% single, 1.6% widowed, .4% divorced, .06% other

15.5% were married, 82.6% were single and 1.9% had other marital statuses

35% married, 60.3% singles, 3% divorced, and 1.7% other.

25.7% were married, 70.9% were single, 2.8% divorced, and .6% were widowed

14.6% were married, 74.2% were single, 1.7% were divorced, and 9.6% had other marital statuses


64.5% Students, 12.9% Employees, 3.4% professionals, 3.1% workers, 2.4% merchants, 1.4% retired, and 12.2% others

75.1% students, 9.2% workers, 2% employees, .4% professionals, 2.9% retire, and 9.9% other

55.3% students, 35.7% employees, 1.3% professionals, 4% retired, and 3.7% others

27.4% are students, 18.4% are unemployed, 43% are employees, 3.4% were merchants, 2.2% were professionals, 1.7% were workers, .6% were retired, and 3.4% others

48.9% were college students, 39.3% were employees, 6.2% were professionals, and 5.6% were others

Socio- Economic- Status (poverty)

1% very low, 2% low, 75.1% in the middle, 18.2% high, 3.7% very high

.5% very low, 6.5% low, 84.8% in the middle, 6.5% high, 1.7% very high

.0% very low, .7% low, 77% in the middle, 18.3% high, 4% very high

25.7% very low, 33% low, 22.9% in the middle, 11.2% high, 7.3% very high

1.7% very low, 20.3% low, 70.6% in the middle, 7.3% high, .0% very high