



item 2: Weary

item 4: Cheerful

item 6: Sad, blue

item 7: Happy

item 24: Feeling unworthy

item 27: Cannot enjoy yourself

item 39: Feeling guilty

item 40: Feeling well

item 43: Contented

item 45: Feeling desperate, terrible

item 47: Thinking of death or dying

item 51: Enjoying yourself

item 58: Depressed

item 60: feeling a failure

item 61: Not interested in things

item 66: Blaming yourself

item 67: Thoughts of ending your life

item 71: Looking forward toward the future

item 73: Feeling that life is bad

item 75: Feeling inferior to others

item 76: Feeling useless

item 84: Feeling like crying

item 91: Feeling of hopelessness

item 1: Nervous;

item 5: Tense, tensed up;

item 8: Frightened:

item 9: Feeling calm;

item 16: Feeling confident;

item 18: Shaky;

item 23: Feeling paceful;

item 29: Relaxed;

item 30: Restless

item34: Afraid

item 36: Scared

item42: Worried

item 49: Terrified

item 50: Feeling of courage

item 54: Takes a long time to fall a sleep

item 59: Jumpy

item 62: Highly strung

item 63: Cannot relax

item 64: Panicky

item 68: Frightening thoughts

item 86: Feeling that something bad will happen

item 87: Wound up, uptight

item 89: Self confident

item 3: Irritable

item 11: Losing temper easily

item13: Feeling kind toward people

item 17: Feeling warm toward people

item 20: Angry

item25: Annoyed

item 26: Feeling of rage

item 31: Feeling friendly

item 32: Feeling of hate

item 35: Patient

item 37: Furious

item 38: Feeling charitable, forgiving

item 48: Hot tempered

item 55: Feeling hostile

item 56: Infuriated

item 69: Enraged

item 70: Irritated by other people

item 80: Feel like attacking people

item 81: Shaking with anger

item 82: Mad

item 83: Feeling of goodwill

item 88: Get angry quickly

item 90: Resentful

item 10: Feeling healthy

item 12: Feeling of not enough air

item 14: Feeling fit

item 15: Heavy arms of legs

item 19: No pains anywhere

item 21: Arms and legs feel strong

item 22: Appetite poor

item 28: Thig head or neck

item 33: Choking feeling

item 41: Feeling of pressure in head or body

item44: Weak arms or legs

item 46: No aches anywhere

item 52: Breathing difficult

item 53: Parts of the body feel numb or tingling

item 57: Heart beating fast or pounding

item 65: Pressure of head

item 72: Nauseated, sick to stomach

item 74: Upset bowels or stomach

item 77: Muscle pain

item 78: No unpleasant feeling in head or body

item 79: Headaches

item 85: Cramps

item 92: Head pains