Please rate your comfort level when engaging in the following cultural encounters.

・ Providing services to people from different ethnic and racial groups than your own.

・ Interpreting different cultural expressions of pain, distress, and suffering.

・ Working with healthcare professionals from culturally diverse backgrounds.

・ Caring for patients with limited English proficiency.

・ Asking clients or caregivers about beliefs that may interfere with the treatment regimen.

・ Being attentive to nonverbal cues or the use of culturally specific gestures that might have different meanings in different cultures.

・ Encouraging a client to change behaviors or practices related to cultural beliefs that impair one’s health.

・ If you are not able to communicate directly with a client, speaking to their advocate about his/her illness if this is culturally appropriate.

Not at all (1)

A little (2)

Quite a bit (3)

Very comfortable (4)

Section 5: Desire

Please rate the degree to which you disagree or agree with the following statements regarding your desire to engage in cultural encounters. Desire is the degree to which an individual chooses to increase cultural awareness, knowledge, skill, and encounters. Cultural encounters refer to any interactions with an individual or group of individuals that are culturally different from you.

・ It is important to keep ethnic traditions alive.

・ I feel that people from other cultures have many valuable things to teach me.

・ I look for regional opportunities to interact with people from other cultures.

・ I look for national opportunities to interact with people from other cultures.

・ My curiosity about other cultures has increased.

・ My desire to try new foods from various cultures has increased.

・ My desire to prepare new foods from various cultures has increased.

・ I have broadened my perspective of the role ethnic food has on health.

・ I have broadened my perspective of the role culture has on health.

Strongly disagree (1)

Disagree (2)

Agree (3)

Strongly agree (4)