


Sprayer status/activity awareness

Provide indicators of sprayer health/state [44] [45] .

Make automation mode and system states salient [28] .

Enable the supervisor to understand the sprayer’s status [10] .

Facilitate the supervisor’s knowledge of the sprayer’s activities [45] .

Enable the supervisor to self-inspect the sprayer’s body for damages or entangled obstacles [46] .


Sprayer location and environment awareness

Provide map of where the autonomous sprayer has been [39] .

Enable an understanding of the sprayer’s location in the environment [47] .

A frame of reference to determine position of the sprayer relative to its environment [44] .

Provide spatial information about the sprayer in the environment [48] .

Provide to the supervisor an understanding of the sprayer’s immediate surroundings [46] .

Convey the information of the video stream with respect to sprayer’s orientation [45] .


Overall mission awareness

Facilitate an understanding of the overall mission and the moment-by-moment progress towards completing the mission [26] .

When multiple sprayers (machines) are available, use one to view another [49] .

Provide support for multiple sprayers (machines) in a single display [48] .

Always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time [10] .

Support supervisor’s prioritization of environments or tasks [50] .

Clearly indicate relationships between past and current system state [51] .


Cognitive factors

Exploit users’ prior knowledge [5] .

Minimize what the supervisor must remember (i.e., promote recognition over recall) [52] .

Help direct the supervisor’s focus of attention [45] .

Make it easy for the supervisor to extract meaning from the display quickly [53] .

Integrate information to support comprehension of information (level 2 SA) [28] .

Present Level 2 information directly—support comprehension [4] .

Provide assistance for SA projections (level 3 SA) [4] [28] .

Design for appropriate trust, not greater trust [54] .

Provide consistency between sprayer’s behavior and what the supervisor operator has been led to believe based on the interface [45] .

Organized information around goals [4] .



Enable user control and freedom [26] .

Support multiple sprayers (machines) in a single display [49] .

Interaction architecture scalability [45] .

Should be able to support multiple tasks and multiple machines [26] .

Should be sensitive to the differing needs of its users and the conditions at that moment [55] .



Tolerate and forgive common and unavoidable human errors [52] .

When an error does occur, provide constructive message—brief and simple [56] .

Protect against unauthorized access.

Prevent the user from making catastrophic errors [52] .

Use color coding, highlighting, and other attention-demanding devices for safety-critical information [57] .

After an emergency stop, require the user to go through the complete restart sequence [57] .

If connectivity failure, the interface should allow the user to pick up from where he or she left off when the connection is restored [5] .

Provide help and documentation [10] [58] .


Information presentation

Use a single monitor for the interface [49] .

Minimize the use of multiple windows [39] .

Use efficient interaction language [45] .

Strive for consistency [52] .

Make the interface content legible/visible [26] .

Present information in appropriate form [26] .

Deliver information, not just data [59] .

Use discriminable elements/color (similarity causes confusion) [55] .

For differentiation don’t rely on colors alone [60] .

Elements should function the way people expect them to function [52] .

Arrange elements so they follow the flow of reading—left to right, and top to down [52] .

Most frequently used element should be closest and most easily accessible to the user [52] .

Functions that are used together should be near each other [52] .

Avoid visual cluttering [55] .

Provide an adequate contrast between elements and their background [55] .

Follow real-world conventions [45] .

It should be obvious what an element is used for, how an element is used, and when it has been used [5] .


Design considerations for handheld mobile devices

Design dialogs to yield closure [61] .

Support internal locus of control [61] .

Design for ‘top-down; interaction [61] .

Icons should be meaningful and represent what they are meant to convey [5] .

Should be able to differentiate between clickable and statics graphics [5] .

Where appropriate offer a selection of option rather than text entry [61] .


Warning and notification

Inform the supervisor about any abnormality using appropriate warning signal [62] .

Remind the supervisor about the abnormal conditions if no action had been taken or abnormality persist [63] .

Influence supervisor’s behavior to act timely [63] .

It should not impair the cognitive functioning of the supervisor, nor act as stressor or irritant [64] .

Presenting a signal in more than one way increases the likelihood it will be interpreted correctly [65] .

Flicker frequency should not be greater than 2 Hz or lower than 55 Hz [5] .



ISO 9241-210 Human-centered design standard [66] .

ISO 9241-110 Dialogue principles [67] .

ISO 9241-11 Guidance on usability [68] .

ISO 13407: human-centered design processes for interactive systems [68] .

ISO 14915: Software ergonomics for multimedia user interface [5] .