Protocol followed during Cropping period | ||
Activity | Technological Intervention | |
Plot size | 1100 sqm | |
Preparation of land | Four plouging followed by flanking and final lying out of experimental bed plots. | |
Variety selection | Solan lalima (Open pollinated) | |
Seed source | Procured from Department of Vegetable crops Dr. Y.S. Parmar-UHF Solan | |
Seed rate | 400 g/ha | |
Seed treatment | Trichoderma viridae @ 4 g/kg of seed | |
Seed spacing | 5 cm × 2 cm × 0.5 cm | |
Nursery raising | Beds of 1 m × 3 m × 20 cm to which FYM @ 20 - 25 Kg/or VC 5 - 6 Kg, Trichoderma harzianum @ 4 g/Kg and 1.2 Kg neem cakes were incorporated. | |
Seedling treatment | Neem soap spray (7 g/l) to 15 days old seedlings-Drenching of seedling with Pseudomonas fluorescens (10 g/L) before transplanting. Root Dipping of seedlings in solution of asafetida (100 g/5L water) for 25 - 30 minutes before transplanting to the experimental plots. | |
Soil fertility management | Application of organic manures and bio-fertilizers. Mixing of FYM @ 200 quintal/ha + VC @ 50 quintal/ha + neem cake @ 250 kg/ha at the time of forming ridges. | |
Irrigation requirements | Two watering, morning and evening for one week. One time watering for second week. Alternate day watering during third week of transplanting and 5 - 7 days interval irrigation during the cropping period depending upon the weather. | |
Weed management | Hand weeding was used. During the entire cropping period three hand weeding was done. | |
Staking | Bamboo poles having 8 feet height supported by CGI wires and plastic ropes were used as support system. | |
Crop protection | Insect pest and disease management was undertaken by using all the organic approaches that is installation of yellow sticky traps, spray of biopesticides NPV (Nuclear Polyhedrosis virus), placement of trio card, use of neem cake/neem extract, vermin wash, use of barrier crops and other bio control agents(Trichoderma herzianum-10 g/l of water), Pseudomonas flourescens (10 g/l of water). |