
Yes = f (%)

No = f (%)

Do you ever forget to take your medication?

137 (45.5)

164 (54.5)

Are you careless at times about taking your medication?

72 (23.9)

229 (76.i)

When you feel better, do you sometimes stop taking your medication

138 (45.8)

163 (44.2)

Sometimes if you feel worse when you take the medication, do you stop taking it?

114 (37.9)

187 (62.1)

I take my medication only when I am sick

116 (38.5)

185 (61.5)

It is unnatural for my mind and body to be controlled by Medication

142 (47.2)

159 (52.8)

My thoughts are clearer on medication

157 (52.2)

144 (47.8)

By staying on medication, I can prevent getting sick.

162 (53.8)

139 (46.2)

I feel weird, like a zombie on medication

84 (27.9)

217 (72.1)

Medication makes me feel tired and sluggish

79 (26.2)

222 (73.8)