Primary factors

Secondary Factors

Third Factors

A1 Plan the risk Management

C1 Support of Stakeholders

B1 Arrange time and resource for the risk management activity

C2 Cost and schedule activities

C3 Establish risk contingency reserve using method

B2 An accepted risk estimation basis

C4 Define the risk probability and influence

C5 Risk classification

A2 Identify the risk

C6 Risk description format

C7 Risk identification method and technology

C8 Risk triggering condition

A3 Implement qualitative risk analysis

C9 Risk attitude of the group and the other stakeholders

B3 Create risk rating rules

C10 Risk priority ranking

C11 Risk urgency evaluation

A4 Implement quantitative risk analysis

B4 Implement the risk quantified result

C12 Quantification risk priority list

C13 Probability to fulfill the project objective

C14 Quantitative analysis method

A5 Plan the risk response

C15 Determine the risk response responsible individual

B5 Create risk response actions

C16 Negative risk response

C17 Positive risk response

CA6 Control the risk

B6 Risk reevaluate

C18 Identify new risk

C19 Existing risk reevaluate

C20 Cancel outdated risk

B7 The validity of the control process

C21 Comply with the risk management policies and procedures

C22 Adjust cost/schedule contingency reserve