Presence and quality of the objectives and activities that are observed or appreciated

Objectives and activities linked to the types of violence are considered; the objectives are real, achievable and easy to understand; there are prevention and intervention activities, the planned activities are raised at the classroom and center level, there is a calendar of application or timing of the activities, we know which people are

responsible, we monitor and evaluate the activities.

Objectives and activities that are almost always observed and are of quality

Objectives and activities linked to the types of violence are considered; the objectives are real, achievable and easy to understand; there are prevention or intervention activities; The planned activities are planned at the classroom or center level, there is a timetable for the application or timing of the activities, it is known which people are responsible for the activities.

Objectives and activities that are observed regularly and acceptable attribute

Objectives and activities linked to the types of violence are considered; there are prevention or intervention activities; The planned activities are planned at the classroom or center level, there is a timetable for the application or timing of the activities.

Little presence of objectives and activities and low attribute quality, “little is observed”

Objectives and activities linked to the types of violence are considered; there are prevention or intervention activities, there is a calendar of application or timing of activities.

Never/do not observe objectives and activities and absence of the attribute

There are no objectives or activities linked to the types of violence; there are no prevention or intervention activities, there is no timetable for the application or timing of activities.