


Dependent variables


Shopping expenditures

Shopping expenditures during their current trip (US$/per tourist per day).

Independent variables

Travel-related factors


Visitor’s travel model choice is

group package tour

Dummy, 1 if visitor’s model choice is group package

tour and 0 otherwise

Travel repeat

Travel repeat within three years

Dummy, 1 if visitor has travel repeat to Taiwan within three years and 0 otherwise

Traveling with family members or friends

Visitor’s traveling has family members or friends on the trip

Dummy, 1 if visitor has family members or friends on the trip and 0 otherwise

Tourist’s satisfaction

Visitor’s satisfaction scores

Visitor’s satisfaction scores on travel agents and tour guide services. Ranging 1 - 5 from strongly negative to strongly positive evaluation



Visitor’s residence is in the central area of China

Dummy, 1 if visitor’s residence is in the north area of China and 0 otherwise


Visitor’s residence is in the southern area of China

Dummy, 1 if visitor’s residence is in the southern area of China and 0 otherwise

Hong Kong and Macao

Visitor’s residence is in the Hong Kong or Macao

Dummy, 1 if visitor’s residence is in the Hong Kong or Macao and 0 otherwise


Visitor is male

Dummy, 1 if visitor is male and 0 if visitor is female

Age 30 - 39 years

Visitor is age 30 - 39 years

Dummy, 1 if visitor is age 30 - 39 years and 0 otherwise

Age 40 - 59 years

Visitor is age 40 - 59

Dummy, 1 if visitor is age 40 - 59 and 0 otherwise

Age Over 60 years

Visitor is over 60 years

Dummy, 1 if visitor is over 60 years and 0 otherwise

Income < US$29,999

Visitor’s personal annual income level is lower than US$29,999 per year

Dummy, 1 if visitor’s personal annual income level is lower than US$29,999 per year and 0 otherwise

Income US$30,000 - 69,999

Visitor’s personal annual income level is US$30,000 - 69,999 per year

Dummy, 1 if visitor’s personal annual income level is US$30,000 - 69,999 per year and 0 otherwise

Income US$70,000 - 99,999

Visitor’s personal annual income level is US$70,000 - 99,999 per year

Dummy, 1 if visitor’s personal annual income level is US$70,000 - 99,999 per year and 0 otherwise

Secondary/High School

The visitor’s education level is secondary/high school

Dummy, 1 if visitor’s education level is high/vocational school and 0 otherwise

College or above

The visitor’s education level is college or above

Dummy, 1 if visitor’s education level is is college or above and 0 otherwise


Visitor’s occupation is professional or proprietor

Dummy, 1 if visitor’s occupation is professional or proprietor and 0 otherwise

Junior White Collar

Visitor’s occupation is junior white collar occupation

Dummy, 1 if visitor’s occupation is junior white collar and 0 otherwise

Blue Collar

Visitor’s occupation is blue collar

Dummy, 1 if visitor’s occupation is blue collar and 0 otherwise