Symbols | Description |
State | 2-letter code of the US state of customer residence |
Account_length | Number of months the customer has been with the current telco provider |
Area_code | string = “area_code_AAA” where AAA = 3 digit area code |
International_plan | The customer has international plan |
Voice_mail_plan | The customer has voice mail plan |
Number_vmail_messages | Number of voice-mail messages |
Total_day_minutes | Total minutes of day calls |
Total_day_calls | Total number of day calls |
Total_day_charge | Total charge of day calls |
Total_eve_minutes | Total minutes of evening calls |
Total_eve_calls | Total number of evening calls |
Total_eve_charge | Total charge of evening calls |
Total_night_minutes | Total minutes of night calls |
Total_night_calls | Total number of night calls |
Tal_night_charge | Total charge of night calls |
Total_intl_minutes | Total minutes of international calls |
Total_intl_calls | Total number of international calls |
Total_intl_charge | Total charge of international calls |
Number_customer_service_calls | Number of calls to customer service |