Scientific name | High Yw | Low Yw | High Yp | Low Yp | Ecological niche preference* |
Canthium dicoccum | x | - | x | - | Deep soils |
Deutzianthus tonkinensis | x | - | x | - | Moisture-demanding; found on limestone hills |
Sterculia nobilis | x | - | x | - | Wet and moist soil at the base of limestone mountains |
Litsea monopetala | x | - | x | - | Fertile, sandy, deep, and well-drained soils |
Vitex trifolia | x | - | x | - | Sandy clay, wet, and humid soils |
Turpinia montana | x | - | x | - | Deep and humid soils |
Diospyros susarticulata | - | x | - | x | Soils developed on limestone mountains: a drought-tolerant tree |
Burretiodendron hsienmu | - | x | - | x | Soils developed on limestone mountains, a drought-tolerant tree |
Glycosmis cymosa | - | x | - | x | Sandy, fertile, well-drained soils; a drought-tolerant tree |
Homalium myriandrum | - | x | - | x | Soils developed from limestone and basalt |
Gironniera subaequalis | - | x | - | x | Deep, wet, and well-drained soils |
Alphonsea philastreana | - | x | - | x | Deep, loamy, fertile, and well-drained soils |
Hydnocarpus ilicifolia | - | x | - | x | Clay or rocky-clay soil on limestone |
Aglaia gigantea | x | - | - | x | Deep, clay, medium-humid, and well-drained soils |
Garcinia fagraeoides | x | - | - | x | Soils developed on limestone mountains; a drought-tolerant tree |
Chukrasia tabularis | x | - | - | x | Soils developed on limestone mountains; a drought-tolerant tree |
Goniothalamus macrocalyx | x | - | - | x | Slightly acidic and fertile soils |
Streblus macrophyllus | x | - | - | x | Humid soils |
Streblus ilicifolius | x | - | - | x | Well-drained soils on rocky mountains; a drought-tolerant tree |
Syzygium wightianum | x | - | - | x | Soils on hills and low mountains; resistant to drought |