Date | Plant | Location | Event (as described by the operator) |
30.06.82 | Caorso | Italy | Core instability during plant start up |
01.10.83 | Caorso | Italy | Core instability during special tests |
13.01.84 | Caorso | Italy | Instability after pump trip |
17.10.84 | S. Maria de Garona | Spain | Power oscillations during operation |
23.02.87 | TVO 1 | Finland | Power oscillations during plant start up |
09.03.88 | La Salle 2 | USA | Core instability with scram caused by neutron flux oscillation |
29.10.88 | Vermont Yankee | USA | Power oscillations |
26.10.89 | Ringhals 1 | Sweden | Instability during power ascent after refueling |
08.01.89 | Oskarshamn | Sweden | Power oscillations |
29.01.91 | Cofrentes | Spain | Power oscillations due to inadvertent entry in the reactor power-core flow map instability zone “B” |
03.07.91 | Isar 1 | Germany | Scram due to power oscillations |
15.08.92 | WNP | USA | Power oscillations |
09.07.93 | Perry | USA | Entry into a region of core instability |
01.1995 | Laguna Verde | Spain | Power oscillations during start-up |
17.07.96 | Forsmark 1 | Sweden | Local oscillations due to a bad seated fuel assembly |
08.02.98 | Oskarshamn 3 | Sweden | Power oscillations due to a bad combination of core design and control-rod pattern during start up |
25.02.99 | Oskarshamn 2 | Sweden | Power oscillations after a turbine trip with pump runback |
--11.01 | Philippsburg-1 | Germany | In-phase power oscillation |