HYPOTHESIS No. 11a | The share of capital held by relevant shareholders is positively related to company performance | SHAREHLDR | + | N.S. |
| N.S. |
| N.S. |
HYPOTHESIS No. 11b | The presence of a relevant shareholder whose participation goes beyond certain thresholds is positively related to company performance | BLOCK_25; BLOCK_50 | + | N.S. |
| N.S. |
| N.S. |
HYPOTHESIS No. 12 | Family ownership is positively related to company performance | BLOCK_FAM | + | N.S. |
| N.S. |
| N.S. |
HYPOTHESIS No. 13 | State ownership is negatively related to company performance | BLOCK_GVT | − | N.S. |
| N.S. |
| N.S. |
HYPOTHESIS No. 14 | Pyramidal control mechanisms are negatively related to company performance | PYRAMID | − | N.S. |
| N.S. |
| N.S. |