Authors - Year

Structure and methodology used

Main points

Project process approach

Life-cycle Cost approach

Actors approach (patients, workers and community)

Main measures to save resources

Van der Zwart J; Van der Voordt TJ, 2016

Study. Interviews with hospital project directors and leaders regarding a set of values present in HU projects, previously extracted from the literature.

How hospital properties can add value to the healthcare organization, which values are prioritized in practice and why.

Survey of guiding values in decision making and how they are physically reflected in the project.

The prioritized values proved to be different in the different phases of the life cycle, that is, between the phases of initiation, design and use of the building.

Support for the patient’s needs and well-being, facilitated health processes, productivity and team satisfaction, support for the multidisciplinary organizational culture and work processes focused on the patient.

Based on the interviews, it presents an impact matrix with design decisions for saving water and energy; alternative energy sources; greater efficiency in air conditioning and material specification.

Lorenzi, 2014

Article. Describes the operation and benefits of LED lighting technology.

Energy efficiency, light quality, installation and maintenance flexibility and infection control.


Restricted to recover the initial investment in the operation phase.

Patient satisfaction and well-being, greater efficiency in tasks

Replacement of other LED lighting systems, combined with drive controls and sensors.

Thompson JE, Ferenc J, 2014

Article. Interview CEO of a hospital. Description of an intervention case and interviewee’s reports.

Energy efficiency, with reduced consumption and local generation with renewable sources.

Restricted to investment in the technical engineering team and evaluation of alternatives.

Restricted to recover the initial investment in the operation phase.

Excellence in patient care. Hospital’s role focused on community education and well-being.

More efficient design and construction; energy conservation using renewable sources and selling the surplus produced.

Ferenc J, 2012

Article. Interviews experts and managers, citing studies and programs from third parties.

Sustainability. Measurement of the quality of cost decisions.

As a requirement to achieve aggressive sustainable goals, aimed at more efficient systems and the adoption of passive strategies.

Restricted to recover the initial investment in the operation phase.

Portrait of the hospital’s mission, focused on the well-being of the patient, workers and community.

Passive design strategies in the building envelope, reducing the need for artificial lighting and air conditioning; alternative energy sources, with the sale of the surplus.

Lorenzi, 2012

Article. Describes the operation and benefits of LED lighting technology.

Energy efficiency; better color reproduction; adjustment to the circadian cycle; less toxicity; installation and maintenance flexibility.


Restricted to recover the initial investment in the operation phase.

Patient well-being with the adaptation of lighting throughout the day and by environments.

Replacement of other LED lighting systems, combined with drive controls and sensors.

Sanz-Calcedo JG; Cuadros F; Rodríguez FL, 2011

Study. Assessment of the feasibility of energy auditing as a management strategy. Methodology: data collection; device location, inspection and analysis; quantification of total investment and payback period; and final report.

Audits in Spanish primary Healthcare Unit between 2005 and 2010, identifying concrete measures for intervention in order to reduce energy consumption.

It does not address directly. The description of intervention measures is restricted.

Restricted to recover the initial investment in the operation phase.

Internal management based on team awareness is seen as a zero-cost measure with the potential for savings.

Review of contractual conditions with the concessionaire; installation of power capacitors; updating of hot water, lighting, and air conditioning systems; adequacy of the envelope; adoption of renewable energies; and internal management.