Analyzing the process


Identifying the research question

Do immigrants contribute to economic growth?

Conducting a literature review

a) Write a comprehensive analysis of the literature that has already been written on immigrants’ contribution to economic growth.

b) Search databases such as Google Scholar, Ebscohost, and Cinahl for relevant articles, as well as reviewing books, reports, and other sources.

Identifying key factors, internal and external

a) Identify key factors that have been found in the literature to contribute to immigrants’ positive impact on economic growth, such as job creation, increased productivity, consumer spending, innovation and technology transfer, fiscal contributions, and so on.

b) Groups findings

Examining the mechanisms contributing to economic growth

Examine the mechanisms by which immigrants contribute to each of these factors.

Analyzing the impact:

1) Consider how the contributions of immigrants affect the overall state of the economy. We look at some statistical information on rates and other economic indicators as well as evaluate the effects one conomic sectors.

2) Arguments