
52-item solution

26-item solution

(HRESP) Health Responsibility

hplp_03. Report any unusual signs or symptoms to a physician or other health professional.

hplp_09. Read or watch TV programs about improving health.

hplp_15. Question health professionals to understand their instructions.

hplp_21. Get a second opinion when I question my healthcare provider’s advice.

hplp_27. Discuss my health concerns with health professionals.

hplp_33. Inspect my body at least once per month for physical changes/warning signs.

hplp_39. Ask for information from health professionals about how to take good care of myself.

hplp_45. Attend educational programs on personal healthcare.

hplp_51. Seek guidance or counseling when necessary.

hplp_03. Report any unusual signs or symptoms to a physician or other health professional.

hplp_15. Question health professionals to understand their instructions.

hplp_27. Discuss my health concerns with health professionals.

hplp_39. Ask for information from health professionals about how to take good care of myself.

(PHACT) Physical Activity

hplp_04. Follow a planned exercise program.

hplp_10. Exercise vigorously for 20 or more minutes at least three times a week (e.g., brisk walking, bicycling, aerobic dancing, and using a stair climber).

hplp_16. Take part in light-to-moderate physical activity.

hplp_22. Take part in leisure-time (recreational) physical activities (e.g., swimming, dancing, and bicycling).

hplp_28. Do stretching exercises at least 3 times per week.

hplp_34. Exercise during usual daily activities (e.g., walking during lunch, using stairs instead of elevators, and parking car away from destination and walking).

hplp_40. Check my pulse rate when exercising.

hplp_46. Reach my target heart rate when exercising.

hplp_04. Follow a planned exercise program.

hplp_10. Exercise vigorously for 20 or more minutes at least three times a week (e.g., brisk walking, bicycling, aerobic dancing, and using a stair climber).

hplp_16. Take part in light-to-moderate physical activity.

hplp_22. Take part in leisure-time (recreational) physical activities (e.g., swimming, dancing, and bicycling).

hplp_28. Do stretching exercises at least 3 times per week.

hplp_46. Reach my target heart rate when exercising.