7. McNulty et al. (2010), UK | Active and control group were questioned face to face about their attitudes to and use of antibiotic pre and post antibiotic campaign. | 1 week | Poster and leaflet | 1706 English and 182 Scottish adults in January 2008 and by 1707 English and 123 Scottish adults in January 2009. | There was minimal evidence that public antibiotic campaign were effective. The use and visibility of future campaign materials need auditing. |
8. (Giordano et al., 2013), USA | A Clinic-Wide Social Marketing Campaign to Improve Adherence to antiretroviral Therapy for HIV | 4 weeks | Video, posters, pens, mugs, label buttons with the campaign slogan | 250 only 141 people recruited. | Among the 39.7% of participants who correctly identified the campaign slogan on the post-intervention survey, adherence increased by 3.3%, while it decreased in the other participants by 5.5% (paired t -test p = 0.07). The well-received campaign did not increase short-term adherence to ART, but adherence tended to increase in participants who were more engaged with the intervention. |