The null hypothesis | The F value | Probability (P value) | Conclusion |
DCPI is not the granger cause of DM0 | 0.810061 | 0.6670 | Accept |
DCPI is not the granger cause of DM0 | 17.99314 | 0.0001 | Refuse |
DCPI is not the granger cause of DM0 | 0.029371 | 0.9854 | Accept |
DCPI is not the granger cause of DM0 | 40.54574 | 0.0000 | Refuse |
DCPI is not the granger cause of DM0 | 3.940281 | 0.1394 | Accept |
DCPI is not the granger cause of DM0 | 0.394868 | 0.0008 | Refuse |