P. Physical systems: Galaxies, planetary systems, Gaia

B. Biological systems: Ecological niches

1) Hunting and gathering.

Revolution of tools.

Stone age. Lithic techniques (Homo Habilis: 2.5 million years)

Control of fire (300,000 years)

Cognitive revolution (70,000 years)

2) Horticulture and pastoralism.

Neolithic revolution (10,000 - 9,000 years)

Neolithic, polished stone tools: 10,000 years, pottery and weaves (9,000 years).

Cooper Age (8,000 years)

Agricultural techniques, domestication (11,000 years: wheat, goats)

Primitive vulgar arts

3) Extensive agriculture. Civilizations. First Empire: 5,000 years

Writing 5,500 years. History beginning.

Bronze Age (4,000 years). Iron Age (3,200 years).

Money (5,000 years).

Agricultural revolution

Minor arts/Initial major arts

4) Craftsmen and artisans. Varied artifacts (5,000 years)

5) Liberal arts. City-states. Polis (2,500 years)

6) Scientific revolution (500 years)

Print press.

Industrial processes. Techniques became technology (250 years)

Industrial Revolution

Steam machine


7) Proliferation of services organizations (50 years)

8) Information and knowledge technologies (25 years)

Revolution of information

Communication and media arts

Social networks

9) Existential technologies

Integral theory

Spiritual-existential revolution

10) Post-human? Control of humanity by technology? (Harari, 2014)