

Intended outcomes


Sustainable development goals taken in consideration: 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15



Natural Resources

Unit 8. Gaia is Stardust

1) The Universe

・ how is it constituted and organized?

・ recycler of matter and energy convertor

・ distances in the Universe

2) Planet Earth

・ mass and weight

・ gravitation

・ rotation and translational movements

・ moon phases and tides

・ forces and pressure

・ magnetic field

3) Planet Earth’s characteristics that allow Life to exist

4) Natural resources: rocks and minerals

5) Natural resources: water deposits and water cycle

6) Ocean dynamics (water characteristics: currents, salinity, upwelling, etc.)

7) Atmosphere dynamics (wind, climate, weather)

8) Species as biological resources

9) Energy sources

10) The problem of extraction of natural resources, pollution and waste production

11) How to preserve natural resources in an overpopulated world

Unit 8.

To introduce Physics and Chemistry with Astronomy topics.

It is important to let students ask their questions and feedback their curiosity with the information; also, they can research about their questions.

To explore Earth as a Planet among other objects in the Universe and its characteristics and peculiarities.

To explain concepts with simple experiments, whenever possible.

To ask students which characteristics are important to maintain life―exploring the importance of resources (things species need to survive).

To learn about groups of rocks and examples of minerals, their applications.

To study the Oceans and their peculiarities, understanding that when they change they interfere with global changes.

To study the atmosphere and acquire a basic understanding of its dynamics, and the difference between climate and weather.

To study how humanity explores biological resources.

To study different types of energy sources (wind, sun, fossil fuels, etc.) indicating advantages and disadvantages for each.

To lead the students to debate about human activities and their impact on the environment;

To show examples, like ocean acidification, acid rains, deforestation, and other disturbances

To debate creative ideas to cope with waste and pollution in the future.

To debate how future generations should deal with consumption of natural goods and services.