

Intended outcomes


Sustainable development goals taken in consideration: 2, 3, 4, 5


Ecosystems services

Unit 5. Home for the living things

1). Ecosystem definition and examples

2). Abiotic factors (wind, water, substrate, temperature, pressure, light, salinity)

3). Habitats and niches

4). Atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and biosphere

5). Ecosystem services (food and water provisioning, air quality regulation, climate regulation, waste regulation and treatment, soil formation, climate regulation, pollination, etc.)

Unit 5.

To understand what an ecosystem is, and study examples.

To explore different abiotic factors (and make simple experiments).

To acquire the notion of habitat and niche of a species.

To understand the connectivity between ecosystems, and the atmo/geo/hydro/biospheres.

To explore simple examples of important services provided by ecosystems.

Ecology: Flow of energy and matter in an ecosystem

Unit 6. Food and Energy

1). Producers (phototrophs and chemotrophs)

2). Consumers (heterotrophs)

3). Decomposers

4). Food chains, food webs, trophic levels, and energy flux, and matter cycle.

5). How can human activities disrupt food webs?

6). Consequences of energy and matter flow disruptions for the ecosystems

7). Farming and Fishing―the “dos” and the “don’ts”

Unit 6.

To learn the role of organisms in the flow of energy and matter circulation inside the ecosystem.

To explore how human activities interfere with the food webs and how that jeopardizes food security and human well-being

To know and debate the fragmentation of habitats.

To know farming practices used in the region, and sustainable farming practices.

To know fishing practices used in the region, and sustainable fishing practices.