


The cell






Unit 3. Diversity of life

1) Living things are grouped into Kingdoms:

Monera, Protista, Fungi, Animalia, Plantae

2) Unit of living things: the cell

3) Cell Theory (basic principles)

4) Knowing about bacteria (using a microscope)

5) Knowing about Protista (in a drop of water, for example; observe Algae)

6) Knowing about Fungi (yeast cells, molds, mushrooms, etc.)

7) Different plants

a) Structure of a plant (angiosperm, for example)

8) Knowing about animals (sponges, cnidarians, mollusks, arthropods, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals)

a) Structure of a mammal

Unit 3.

To create awareness for the diversity that exists around us, even if we do not see it, and the need for organizing it in groups.

To show examples of species from all kingdoms.

To explain what is a cell and that there are 3 different types of cells (prokaryotic and eukaryotic animal and plant cells);

Show examples of cells (with images, experiments, etc.);

To explore notions like unicellular, multicellular organisms, and biological levels of complexity (cell―tissue―organ―system of organs―individual).

To observe living beings from the children’s context and knowing about their diversity.

To make experiments and record observations (see examples):

・ infusion to observe protozoa,

・ collect algae and observe,

・ observe molds,

・ use yeast to make bread,

・ collect and observe plants and their parts (root, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds),

・ collect little bugs and drawing them without harming (pill bugs, for example), or dead bugs to observe and draw (bees, …).

To explore videos, the internet and books about living beings.

Human beings: a particular case

Unit 4. The Human Body

1) Body Systems and their roles

a). Circulatory

b). Respiratory

c). Skin and Excretory

d). Nervous and Endocrine

e). Reproductive

f). Digestive

Unit 4.

To explain the human body and its systems (using figures, schemes, videos, etc.)

To explain the menstrual cycle to boys and girls (at this age it is of major importance, especially for girls).