

Intended outcomes


Sustainable development goals taken in consideration: 4, 5, 13, 14, 15

Science and its principles

Unit 1. Science and scientists

1) Fields of Science: Biology, Geology, Chemistry, Physics, and other fields

2) Brief history of Science

3) What are the characteristics of investigators, researchers, and scientists?

4) Words in Science (e.g. Latin use in Biology)

Unit 1.

To show what Science is, and examples of its fields;

To tell the story of Science, showing that it is always evolving and that there were obstacles;

To show that Science and Technology made the world easier for human beings to live in, but brought problems;

To show that researchers are common people with curiosity (a researcher can be invited to talk with children, for example).

To explain the difference between species’ common and scientific names.

Lab and Field work

Unit 2. Working in a Laboratory and in the Field (Nature)

1) Rules to work in a Lab (show and/or practice)

2) Lab equipment (show and/or practice, if possible)

3) Rules to work in the field (show and practice)

4) Field equipment (show and practice)

Unit 2.

To prepare children to work in small groups with simple experiments

To develop lab and field work skills by collecting plants, or organizing an experiment, or observing bugs with magnifying glasses, etc.

The idea is to develop autonomy, joy of observing and experimenting, organization, and communication skills (by drawing, explaining, etc.)