
Intended outcomes

Ages 8 - 9 (3rd grade, or primary 3)

Sustainable development goals (SDG) taken in consideration: 3, 4

1. Introduction to the study of Natural Sciences

1). From a house to a planet

2). Living things (from macroscopic to microscopic scales) (biodiversity) SDG 14, 15

3). Natural Habitats for living things (species) SDG 14, 15

4). Transformed Habitats (crop fields, fish farms, ) SDG 14, 15

Theme 1.

The idea is to explore different levels of nature occupancy, from what is familiar (house) to the explanation of where it belongs (Planet Earth). Then, it is aimed that children explore the different kinds of living things living in their environment, and develop their knowledge from that. It would benefit the development of the concept of biodiversity. Exploring, for example, that there are tiny living things like bacteria and protozoa; even if they cannot see them with microscopes, knowing the existence of microscopically living things opens the door for knowing and asking more.

2. Our relation with Nature SDG 11, 12

1) Living in rural areas versus living in urban areas

2) How to use habitats and nature causing less harm to other living beings?

Theme 2.

The idea is to explore the different habitats near the school, and develop knowledge about different habitats for animals. It will set the basic ideas to explore the differences between living in rural areas and living in urban areas, and what that imposes to other species (plants and animals especially), like water, soil and air pollution, and habitat fragmentation.

It is aimed to develop an “ecological conscience”, or a “care moral” towards Nature and its living things.

Ages 9 - 10 (4th grade or primary 4)

Sustainable development goals taken in consideration: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12

2. Our relation with Nature (cont.)

1) What are ecosystems?

2). Benefits and goods derived from ecosystems

3). How do we affect ecosystems?

4). How does Nature affect us?

SDG 3, 4, 6, 11 (… sustainable), 12

Theme 2. (cont.)

After understanding that people belong to Nature, like every other species, and knowing the variety of natural habitats, the word “ecosystem” is ought to be explored. Showing examples of how abiotic and biotic factors influence each other, and how they become part of bigger units―the ecosystems. What is intended is not the rigid use of the correct words (like ecosystem, abiotic factor, etc.) but to mobilize ideas like: light affects animals’ behavior (and explore examples), water is essential for all living things (animals drink fresh water, plants need water and it is an important part of the water cycle); people need to extract wood from the forest, but what does that entail, etc.