


3.5 - 5.0

7. He/She understands the task well and is very clear in what needs to be done.

・ He/She knows her role and task in the group and is aware of what others are doing.

・ Projects great enthusiasm and attitude in carrying out the task.


1.8 - 3.4

・ He/She understands the task and knows roughly what needs to be done.

・ He/She is aware of his/her task in the group but a little unsure of what others are doing.

・ Projects some enthusiasm in carrying out the task.


0.0 - 1.7

・ He/She is unaware of the task and does not know what needs to be done.

・ He/She has a rough idea of his/her role and is in the dark of what others are doing.

・ He/She lacks interest in the task.